Thursday, September 11, 2008

So I a got a new job.

Yeah so I started a new job this week. I have been wondering why everyone in my office is
stick skinny. Now I know! Looks like I may be in for a REAL treat. . . or not.


Joanna said...

So, do you like it? How's it going? I haven't seen you all week, and that is weird. I am used to seeing everyone at the shop.'ll just have to come visit with us on Saturdays then! :)

Hey It's Di said...

Job is going OK. It just takes time to learn all the crap! At least it pays the bills right? I will see you all Saturday!

Jana Nielson said...

UMMMmmmmm...oh yeah! I knew that about your new co. BIG into employee fitness!!

Kathi D said...

Well. That sounds just fine and dandy!

Jean Knee said...

uhm, sorry?

Jen said...

Congrats. We do a lot of those exercises around here, too. But I'm not losing weight. It's a huge bummer. (Literally and metaphorically.)

Corrine said...

sounds like i need a job there too :) hope you enjoy!

Carrot Jello said...

Hmmm...knifing friends in the back is exercise eh? I'll have to try that.

Anonymous said...

The best form of exercise is when you twist to the right, twist to the left, stretching your shoulder muscles so that you can pull the knife out of your OWN back.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Thankfully there's no mention of "bending over"....well, until now, anyways.