But this picture was different. Obviously it was a plane and obviously somebody had jumped, or was falling. I was a bit horrified to hear the details of his handy work when he offered them to me. Apparently it was his older brother Al-Pal, who dreams of becoming a pilot someday. (although I find that perplexing in itself because he has the worst case of anxiety with most everything!) Al-Pal was taking a nice plane ride and then decided to jump out. Unfortunately, he forgot to put on his parachute and he fell to his death. When Ty-Ty relayed that story to me, he followed it with a few giggles and I gasped! I'm not sure what to make of that all or if I should be concerned with his picture and story but I do have reason to wonder.
I remember when Ty was about three years old and he would ask his dad to "Twow mommie down da staiws" (throw mommie down the stairs-for those who don't speak toddler) and when I would ask him why he would reply" betaus I wanna see hew twy". (I wanna see her cry).
I think I should be worried!
He is really drawing great since he started school. Maybe we should send him to the school psychiatrist or something!! haha
I would say it's time to institutionalize him. You know, before he kills Mommy.
I'd be worried! Or Not.
He is doing great with his drawing...
Well, you could send him off on a "safe" plane ride all by himself and when he's at the gate bawling his head off and grabbing onto your ankles, you could say "OK. You don't have to go. I just wanted to see you twy."
Or get lots of meds and keep him on the down-low til you move to a house with NO stairs.
Yeah. No stairs or little puppies.
Honestly though, it might BE a problem that you could/should check on sooner rather than later.
I think this means that no matter what you need to ALWAYS have your parachute with you. ALWAYS. Especially when walking by stairs, or flying with AL-Pal. Good luck with that! :)
I don't think you should worry too much unless he starts drawing pictures of you falling out of the airplane.
I think that's how the writers of that movie "Throw Momma From The Train" got their start.....
nah, my kid says the same stuff about me
kind of funny, scary funny :)
my son the other day said, after I said, "man it smells like something died in here" said..."maybe there is a dead guy in the stair well."
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