My husband Bob (not even close to his real name) had a sleep clinic come to the house and administer a test for possible sleep apnea. They used a finger oximeter to check his oxygen levels through the night. It has been a couple of weeks since this test was administered and so I've thought nothing of the results being positive. The other day my husband calls me in what sounded like a panic and when I asked him what was going on he replied that he had just got a call from the sleep center and they wanted to see him in their office. He then asked me"What do you think is wrong?". . . I sat for a moment in silence wondering if he was for real or what? And then I responded "I think they want to tell you that you have sleep apnea honey. . . I don't think that reading your oxygen levels at night can determine that you have cancer or M.S." That was the end of that conversation. I handled that well didn't I?
Friday night my hubby and I went to my cousin A Little Sussy's wedding dinner. It was a really fun night with great food, great entertainment, great company and beautiful surroundings. She of course was stunning and I'm sure that she will share pictures (who am I kidding? She is a photographer and WILL share. . I think) with everyone once she returns from her honeymoon to Hawaii. (BRAT! No, I'm not jealous. . . I think I need a vacation. Even to my neighboring town would do:) . . . OH but wait!! Read on!!
And then today at work we felt like we had won the Superbowl!! We got an email that we are all going to Disneyland!! NO kidding. Uh huh, I work for the coolest place ever! We not only surpassed a company goal last night but we pretty much blew right past it. (and remember I just started this job like 6 weeks ago! Was that good timing or what?) So in return, the CEO is sending the entire company to the place where dreams come true. Which kind of scares me because I have some pretty crazy dreams! Anyway, this is one of those things that you try NOT to come home after finding out and rub in too much. Kids just don't like it when they know that Mama's going to DISNEYLAND and they aren't!! Oh well, I'll bring them back a a sweet prize:)
Have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!